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Book a Stork Discovery Session to get started on your journey to better sleep.


During our time together, we will touch on your family's current sleep situation, talk through any fears or concerns associated with the process, and discuss the details for working together.


This is a prerequisite required for all new clients with the exception of the Newborn Silver Package and gift cards.


I know. I know. You probably need help NOW and are wondering why I am making you wait another minute! If this is the case, keep reading through the rest of this page.


DISCLAIMER This service is not intended to be an in-depth consultation. It is intended to briefly discuss your struggles and how working together will benefit your family.






CLARITY Unsure which service you need? On the fence about hiring an expert?


SUCCESS While I don't have complete control over this, I aim for every client of mine to be successful which requires some screening. It is necessary for everyone involved to confirm that you understand what sleep training means and are truly committed to following through with a plan. As you might have heard me say time and time again, sleep training is more than just choosing a method!


SCHEDULE We need to be strategic about when you start sleep training. We want to choose a timeframe that will be best for both your child and your family. For example, we will take into consideration any major changes coming up in your child's life and anything coming up on the family calendar.


MINDSET It is very important to me that you feel confident in the process before moving forward. Together, we will analyze and assess any specific fear, concern, or limiting beliefs you might have about sleep training. By discussing, we will discover where those thoughts come from and decipher whether or not they are valid. A majority of the time, they come from someone else's opinion or emotion rather than evidence-based material. However, on a rare occasion, I get a parent who has a very valid reason to hold off on sleep training that needs to be considered.


COLD, HARD TRUTH Sometimes I get a parent who has certain philosophies that don't align with my services. This doesn't make a wrong or a right. A lesson I learned the hard way during my early nanny years is that not every professional is for every family, and not every family is for every professional. While impossible to guarantee, my goal is to make sure I only accept clients who will benefit from my services. And the people who benefit are the people who believe in what I do. Check out my philosophy by clicking here.


While each sleep plan I create looks a little different depending on the child and the parents, they all are created with a common goal in mind. That goal is to build a strong sleep foundation for your child so that they can achieve healthy sleep habits allowing you to do the same. 


DISCLAIMER This service is not intended to be an in-depth consultation. It is intended to briefly discuss your struggles and how working together will benefit your family.


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